This article explains to displaying RSS(XML format) feed like (popular urls in one place) using simplexml_load_file() a PHP function. It's very useful to display your blog feeds as like Recent articles(headlines) list.
RSS- Really Simple Syndication.
Reading XML data and presenting with HTML.
Index.php RSS display page:
File contains HTML tags and PHP included rssclass.php. You have to change the RSS feed URL.
<div> <?php include('rssclass.php'); $feedlist = new rss(''); echo $feedlist->display(9,"9lessons"); $feedlist = new rss(''); echo $feedlist->display(9,"Nettuts"); $feedlist = new rss(''); echo $feedlist->display(9,"Labnol"); ?> </div>
A beautiful PHP function simplexml_load_file() to load and read XML file. simplexml_load_string() XML string reader.
<?php class rss { var $feed; function rss($feed) { $this->feed = $feed; } function parse() { $rss = simplexml_load_file($this->feed);
$rss_split = array(); foreach ($rss->channel->item as $item) {
$title = (string) $item->title; // Title $link = (string) $item->link; // Url Link $description = (string) $item->description; //Description $rss_split[] = '<div> <a href="'.$link.'" target="_blank" title="" > '.$title.' </a> <hr> </div> '; } return $rss_split; } function display($numrows,$head) { $rss_split = $this->parse(); $i = 0; $rss_data = '<div class="vas"> <div class="title-head"> '.$head.' </div> <div class="feeds-links">'; while ( $i < $numrows ) { $rss_data .= $rss_split[$i]; $i++; } $trim = str_replace('', '',$this->feed); $user = str_replace('&lang=en-us&format=rss_200','',$trim); $rss_data.='</div></div>'; return $rss_data; } } ?>
CSS code :
Style just view the Live Demo
.vas{ float:left; width:270px; padding:10px; } .title-head { font-size:18px; font-weight:bold; text-align:left; background-color:#006699; color:#FFFFFF; padding:5px;} .feeds-links { text-align:left; padding:5px; border:1px solid #dedede; }
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